
Win Win 《幸福雙贏》

Win Win 《幸福雙贏》


這部電影絕對要提的就是導演Thomas McCarthy,他本身是位連所為的C咖都很難搭不上邊(話雖如此,常看電影的一定對他感到些許熟悉)的演員。但是他所導演的少量作品功力卻完全讓我折服,像是《下一站,幸福》與《幸福來訪時》都是非常非常出色的優秀電影。他的電影都是小成本的獨立製片,內容多在描述現代人際關係常見的疏離中仍存在的溫暖,他的三部作品(包含幸福雙贏)都是可以讓我願意再坐下來重複欣賞的好電影。

Win Win 《幸福雙贏》

演員Paul Giamatti也是這部電影的最大亮點,只要是他演出的獨立製作電影就一定有觀賞的價值,尤其是他對失意中年男子的深刻演繹,每每演出都非常動人。他不會像一些知名的演員,演來演去導致必然的招式用老然後讓人厭惡(例:哈里遜福特、羅賓威廉斯),所以花時間看他的演出一定不會讓人覺得是種糟蹋。


我非常喜歡The National為本片做的單曲Think You Can Wait,歌詞格外有深意,特別分享。

The National - Think You Can Wait by quietriot79

I was drifting, crying / I was looking for an island / I was slipping under / I'll pull the devil down with me one way or another

I'm out of my mind; think you can wait? / I'm way off the line; think you can wait?

We've been running a sleepless run / Been away from the baby way too long / We've been holding a good night gone / We've been losing our exits one by one

I'm out of my mind; think you can wait? / I'm way off the line; think you can wait?

Did I?(all I have is all) / Think you can wait?
Did I?(all I have is all) / Think you can wait?

What I'm thinking is simple / I'll sell apples and ice water at the temple / I won't make trouble / I'll pull the devil down with me one way or another

We've been running a sleepless run / Been away from the baby way too long / We've been holding a good night gone / We've been losing our exits one by one

I'll try.
I'll try, but I couldn't be better.(all I have is all)
I'll try, but I couldn't be better.(all I have is all)
I'll try, but I couldn't be better.(all I have is all)


